Integrated eSignatures<br/>in Sell CRM

Integrated eSignatures
in Sell CRM

Speed Up Your Sales by Using Quoting with Integrated eSignatures


Inperium Sell

Integrated eSignatures<br/>in Sell CRM

Enable clients to easy eSing quotes to close more deals with Inperium Sell CRM

The sooner an offer is signed, the sooner your business can get paid. Inperium Sell enables you to quickly create quotes for a prospect, instantly share them by simply sending a link, and provide an electronic signature option that makes it easy and convenient for the customer to finalize the deal.


Close more deals and get paid faster

Save time and close more deals faster. With Imperium Sell CRM, your clients can eSign quotes right from their device, wherever they happen to be — there’s no need to set up appointments or send physical documents via mail or courier.


Make it easy for customers to choose you

Prospects often receive quotes from several different companies. Integrated eSignatures in Inperium Sell make it easy for them to finalize an offer from you, increasing your chances of closing deals.

And even more about eSignatures

Easy quote creation

Easy quote creation

Create personalized quotes in Inperium Sell in just a few clicks, right from your CRM with a step-by-step wizard.

Online quote sharing

Online quote sharing

Share a personalized quote immediately by simply sending your prospect a link.

Online quote acceptance

Online quote acceptance

Easily see which quote was accepted, or accept a quote on behalf of a client who asks you to do so.

Quote-to-invoice conversion

Quote-to-invoice conversion

Generate and send invoices automatically in Inperium Sell and track all payments.


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FAQ about eSignatures in Sell CRM

What is an eSignature?

An electronic signature is a signature in electronic form. This feature enables customers to commit to the terms of a proposal or quote quickly, without the hassle of paper.

How my business can benefit from eSignatures?

Electronic signatures improve sales processes in multiple ways. Because they are efficient for you and convenient for your clients, you can reduce turnaround time, save money and increase conversion rates.

How do you use quotes in Inperium Sell?

You can generate as many quotes as you like for any deal and immediately send your prospects links to the offers. They can easily review them, select the one they prefer and eSign it right from their device, with no need to set up appointments or send physical documents by mail or courier. You’ll be notified immediately whenever a quote is accepted.

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